When Should I Book A Wedding Photographer?

As one of Perthshire’s premier Wedding Photographers, we get asked frequently, when should we book our wedding photographer.

Planning your special Wedding is no easy task and sometimes it may feel like you have an endless to-do list that keeps getting longer each time you go to mark something off. Of course, it’s not just knowing WHAT to do, but also knowing WHEN.

So, knowing when to book specific suppliers for your wedding day is probably the most crucial part of planning your wedding, it will help provide them with the correct time to help plan for your wedding and map out all your requirements, but not only that it will most definitely allow you to book the suppliers you want to book with the availability.

Ideally, you should start looking to book your wedding photographer roughly about eighteen months before your wedding day. Of course, you can book nearer your date, however, the earlier you book, the better chance you have of getting the actual wedding photographer you want!

Sometimes we can have wedding days booked as early as two years ahead, so you can see why we say eighteen months is a good amount of time, however, if you are set on a specific wedding photographer, we’d say to get them booked up as soon as you have set your wedding date and chosen your wedding venue!

Your best to book your venue as in return this will confirm your wedding date first as this can help you map out and make sure your suppliers are available on your wedding date! An example of this would be: you may have a date you’d love to have and the wedding venue of your dreams isn’t available on that date, so you decide to move the date to make sure you get your dream venue for your dream wedding!

I’d go as far as to say don’t ever book any other wedding suppliers until you have agreed on the date with the wedding venue! It just makes things so much easier for you!

You might be sitting thinking wow eighteen months before your wedding, that seems like a lifetime away and you’re having to look/book your wedding photographer, it really is not that long and believe us, the time flies while planning your wedding!

Your chosen wedding photographer is going to be with you pretty much most of the day (almost like a new best friend for the day!), they need to be someone you feel comfortable, relaxed and you are at ease with and most importantly you both get along with! You’re trusting them with your first most important memory of the first day of the rest of your married life, and these are the memories you will look back at in 10, 20, 30 years down the line so you want to be sure your wedding photographer is someone you can rely on!

So you have chosen your wedding photographer, here is a couple of things to keep in mind to keep you right and safe!

Always ensure you have a signed contract for your wedding date from your wedding photographer and it is detailed exactly what is to be delivered before the wedding day, on the wedding day and post-wedding day!

When we meet up with our couples, we always talk through our wedding photography contract over the different clauses and make sure everything is in place, before booking as the contract is there to protect both of us!

Booking your wedding photographer up to two years ahead of your wedding, it’s a long time till your day (even though it will be here in a flash) chatting over the contract and what communication you need (everyone needs different, we have couples that want an email every couple of months others are happy to just email with they need too) having an idea in your head helps good working relationships form with between you and your wedding suppliers.

We offer pre-wedding sessions within some of our wedding collections, which some couples love to do as it’s a way to work with us before the wedding and also a nice little bonding day but we get it’s not for everyone, it’s something to keep in mind as sometimes if you are nervous it will allow you to have a little taster before the wedding plus you get beautiful images!!

We as wedding photographers want you to feel as relaxed and at ease on your wedding day, so we can capture beautiful images that truly reflect who you are as a couple!

If you have any other questions about booking a wedding photographer or would like to check our availability for your wedding date, please get in touch!


A Perthshire Wedding Photographer's Tale: Ant & Lauren at Dunkeld Cathedral